Крипторынок восстанавливается после американских торгов

Крипторынок восстанавливается после американских торгов

По информации от новостного портала CoFo, после вчерашних колебаний на американском рынке, сегодня рынок проявляет признаки восстановления. Некоторые активы продолжают изменять свои позиции, но основная часть торгуется в пределах ценовых границ предыдущего дня.

Проанализировав данные от CoFo Scout, можно выделить локальную фрагментированность рынка. В течение дня сигналы неоднократно менялись, не предоставив четкого преобладающего направления.

В среднесрочной перспективе аналитики CoFo отмечают усиление шорт-сигналов, при сохранении глобального доминирования лонг-сигналов. А переход шорт-позиций на более крупные временные интервалы оказывает давление на долгосрочные лонг-позиции. На ежедневном графике отмечается усиление шорт-сигналов.

Сигналы шорт-позиций лидируют по числу, при этом их интенсивность продолжает расти, но синхронизация снизилась. Для BTC ожидается увеличение силы шорт-позиций с высокой степенью синхронизации. На локальном и среднесрочном уровне преобладают шорт-сигналы, в то время как глобальные лонг-сигналы остаются слабыми.

Альткоины глобально следуют восходящему тренду, несмотря на попытки разворота на некоторых активах, однако тренд до сих пор не нарушен. Глобальные сигналы лонга преобладают, но среднесрочные шорт-сигналы усилились. На локальном уровне наблюдается разнонаправленность.

Итоги: Глобальные лонги продолжают оставаться в фокусе, оказывая наибольшее воздействие на движение актива. Рынок движется в пределах вчерашнего диапазона. По данным от CoFo Scout, нарастают сигналы усиливающихся шортов. Глобально лонги все еще преобладают, но принятие решений за пределами текущих накоплений может быть более предпочтительным.


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Steam Desktop Authenticator is an add-on helps protect your account on the Steam gaming platform from unauthorized access. With Steam Desktop Authenticator, you will add two-factor authentication to your Steam account, which will strengthen the security of your profile and protect your digital valuables. Two-factor authentication is a security mechanism that requires the input of 2 factors to confirm the identity of the user. The first factor is something that only you understand, for example a password. The second factor could be something that only you have with for yourself, for example a device for generating one-time codes or add for authentication. Steam Desktop Authenticator provides the ability to use add to generate one-time codes without the need the use of a mobile device. This is especially comfortable for those who do not have the opportunity or do not willingly use a mobile authenticator. To use steam desktop authenticator you need download and install add on your computer. Then you need to link it to your Steam account by following the instructions in add. After that for you one-time codes will be available to log into your Steam account. Steam Desktop Authenticator provides an additional layer of security for your Account Steam, protecting your digital game collection and other valuables from likely attacks and hacks. That's why it is recommended to use two-factor authentication to protect of your account and own information.

calendar 2024-02-27 14:10:59


Steam Desktop Authenticator is an add-on helps protect your account on the Steam gaming platform from unauthorized access. With Steam Desktop Authenticator, you will add two-factor authentication to your Steam account, which will strengthen the security of your profile and protect your digital valuables.

Two-factor authentication is a security mechanism that requires the input of 2 factors to confirm the identity of the user. The first factor is something that only you understand, for example a password. The second factor could be something that only you have with for yourself, for example a device for generating one-time codes or add for authentication.

Steam Desktop Authenticator provides the ability to use add to generate one-time codes without the need the use of a mobile device. This is especially comfortable for those who do not have the opportunity or do not willingly use a mobile authenticator.

To use steam desktop authenticator you need download and install add on your computer. Then you need to link it to your Steam account by following the instructions in add. After that for you one-time codes will be available to log into your Steam account.

Steam Desktop Authenticator provides an additional layer of security for your Account Steam, protecting your digital game collection and other valuables from likely attacks and hacks. That's why it is recommended to use two-factor authentication to protect of your account and own information.




Potency is a man's ability to achieve and maintain an erection necessary for successful sexual intercourse. This important nuance of men's health can be affected by various factors, such as stress, mental obstacles, some diseases or way of life. There are many methods to make better potency and opportunities for successful healing. Fundamentally take into account individual characteristic traits of each man and choose methods that are best suitable specifically to him. Below are some of the common ways of increasing potency. Basic methods of improving potency: 1. Healthy feeding: ****s://potenzpillen.site proper and balanced feeding plays an important role as they say health and potency. Ideally, the diet must contain large amounts of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, fish and magnesium. 2. Physical activity: constant exercise helps make better blood circulation, which in turn positively influences potency. 3. Refusal of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs badly impact on potency and general health. 4. Stress management: Stress and depression can cause problems with potency. It is important to learn cope negative emotions and relax. 5. Visiting a doctor: if you have problems with potency, do not embarrassed seek help to a specialist. The doctor can find the cause of the problem and offer effective treatment. Improving potency requires time, effort and patience, but taking care of health is an important aspect quality of every man's life. By following simple recommendations and taking care of your health, you can significantly improve your potency and enjoy a full sexy life.

calendar 2024-02-26 20:31:24


Potency is a man's ability to achieve and maintain an erection necessary for successful sexual intercourse. This important nuance of men's health can be affected by various factors, such as stress, mental obstacles, some diseases or way of life.

There are many methods to make better potency and opportunities for successful healing. Fundamentally take into account individual characteristic traits of each man and choose methods that are best suitable specifically to him. Below are some of the common ways of increasing potency.

Basic methods of improving potency:

1. Healthy feeding: ****s://potenzpillen.site proper and balanced feeding plays an important role as they say health and potency. Ideally, the diet must contain large amounts of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts, fish and magnesium.

2. Physical activity: constant exercise helps make better blood circulation, which in turn positively influences potency.

3. Refusal of bad habits: smoking, drinking alcohol and drugs badly impact on potency and general health.

4. Stress management: Stress and depression can cause problems with potency. It is important to learn cope negative emotions and relax.

5. Visiting a doctor: if you have problems with potency, do not embarrassed seek help to a specialist. The doctor can find the cause of the problem and offer effective treatment.

Improving potency requires time, effort and patience, but taking care of health is an important aspect quality of every man's life. By following simple recommendations and taking care of your health, you can significantly improve your potency and enjoy a full sexy life.

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